Traffic Hoopla Our Story
Story: journey, adventure, report. We Began with Nothing! Zero! No knowledge. No understanding. No experience. A growing big family. A landscaping business. Church and community activities. Looking for supplement, extra, help. An online business, successful, was exactly what we hoped for. Our first 2 years were rough, difficult, challenging. We hit every road block and detour imaginable. Then we settled down with traffic building. We worked hard, very hard, with focus and determination. At first very few if any results. We almost quit many times, especially at the 2 year mark. But we kept at it, planting more and more seeds. Then it all began to come together. What you see in Hoopla is exactly what we did, and do. Traffic Building! Earning Referral Rewards. Growing and multiplying and ongoing! Working now more than 20-years online, Seen it all, met many fine people, And seen many failures. Most do fail. Plain truth! Most get it all wrong! An online business is a strange thing. If you go all out to make money, you make none. But if you focus on reaching people, helping people, The rewards will fill your cup to overflowing. This is our story! journey! adventure! report! The secret to your success is in a large referral base. The secret to your success is in your daily routine. The secret to your success is helping people. This is what we did! what we do! And we show you the way! If You Follow If You Do Soon Your Bountiful Harvest! Day One We Had Nothing! Zero! No knowledge, no understanding, no experience! This Works! but NOT overnight! Yes hard work! focus! consistency! A good daily routine! Stick-to-it! Yes! we do what we ask others to do. We lead by example. No! this road is not popular. It is NOT fast, loud, flashy, selfish, nor empty. We preach and do and help others along the high road. And it is slow and steady, quiet, selfless, and bountiful. Our Story! is one of thankfulness. Yes we are most blessed! and we love helping others. Today we have helped more than 250,000 people. If You Follow If you Do Soon Your Bountiful Harvest! This is your guide to promoting your business! Simple as it gets! The Business of Online Advertising! Testing and Rankings! An action. A doing. To Discover To Learn To Build! A traffic and referral build too. Online Advertising Rankings. 100% Independent Statistical Testing Since 2002. How can we best help you today?